A breakthrough in cast polyurethane Bollard technology has led to the launch of the innovative Flexible Manchester Bollard. Manufactured in Terrathane which is a fully pigmented, self finished, high impact resistant, zero maintenance black polyurethane. This Flexible Manchester Bollard is designed to be used primarily in areas which frequently get knocked by vehicles at low speed.
These bollards help with reducing impact damage to the vehicle and removing the need for bollard replacement. We also do a removable version of this which are very popular because when they have been hit (and I mean when not if!) then the bollard absorbs the impact and the socket is undamaged. This means that you do not have to go back to attend to either a damaged bollard or damaged socket.
Our range of PU bollards are made with an integral mild steel core (complete with 300mm root and anchoring bar), which are then cast in Ultrathane 6000 and finished in black polyurethane paint.
Polyurethane is a synthetic polymer material which is a highly durable and flexible material. It has high levels of impact and weather resistance, which makes it a suitable material for bollards.
The advantages of installing polyurethane bollards in your project include high durability and flexibility in design, low maintenance, and ease of installation.
The polyurethane coating strengthens the internal mild steel core and also absorbs any impact from cars reducing potential damage.
The Morpeth PU Bollard and Manchester PU Bollard are available with reflective banding. You can order in white or red options, or alternative you can order without the reflective banding.
Due to the strength and unique aesthetic appeal of the polyurethane bollards, they are suitable for areas of high footfall and traffic. This could include shopping outlets, supermarkets, urban environments, heritage sites, and car park areas.
No, our range of polyurethane bollards require minimal maintenance, which is beneficial for your clients as they can be assured of high quality bollards which will stand the test of time.
However, regular inspection and cleaning can help ensure that the bollards continue to provide maximum protection and durability.
Polyurethane bollards are recyclable at the end of their useful lifecycle. The mild steel core can be recycled, and the polyurethane coating is also recyclable. This increases their sustainability credentials and means they are an eco-friendly choice for outdoor projects that require durable and long-lasting bollards.