Street Furniture News
The Bike Repair Station – a practical addition for modern developments
The Bike Repair Station, launched by Street Furniture Direct mid-2024, is quickly becoming a popular choice for sub-contractors and building owners, involved in improving cycle hubs or parking area within developments.
CROWD proudly announces the acquisition of Armada Mobility BV
Today, we are excited to announce another significant milestone in our journey. CROWD has successfully acquired Armada Mobility BV in the Netherlands. This strategic acquisition reinforces our dedication to enhancing urban living environments and underscores our position as a leader in innovative solutions for public spaces.
Optimising the outdoor environment on retail and commercial sites
The design of outdoor spaces surrounding retail and commercial buildings is crucially important to the site’s long term economic, social and environmental sustainability. This article explains the multiple benefits that can be realised by property owners and developers when external spaces are well-conceived, innovatively designed and constructed using class-leading quality products.
Street furniture trends to look out for in 2024
Our towns and cities are constantly evolving to cope with changes in social, technological, and environmental needs. But how is street furniture set to evolve in 2024?
Wrapping up a busy 2023 with a positive outlook for 2024
Birthday celebrations for Artform Urban, a charity trek in the Peak District and the launch of a new HVM-compliant seat were just three of the highlights of a busy 2023 for the Bailey Street Furniture Group (BSFG).
Case Study: Soho Wharf - Street Furniture Direct supply seating to all new neighbourhood in Birmingham
Street Furniture Direct worked closely with Kilhan Construction to understand the specific requirements and delivered a robust range of Cruise benches
The importance of urban green spaces and how street furniture is influencing such areas
As our cities grow and more people move into already populated urban spaces, the importance of green spaces and natural wildlife increases.
How sustainability is influencing street furniture specification
With the UK Government's Net Zero policy as a guiding framework and the emphasis on reducing carbon footprint for projects, the criteria for selecting street furniture now includes more than just design and durability.
Understanding the impact of vandalism on street furniture, and how to reduce its effect
Street furniture is increasingly influencing our urban environments, adding aesthetic value and functional improvements with well thought out seating, litter bins, tree protection, planters, bollards, cycle parking and shelters. However, there's a lurking challenge that many in the industry face - vandalism.
How street furniture is becoming more inclusive
In recent years, the focus on inclusivity and accessibility has transformed many aspects of our society, including how towns and cities are designed. As expert suppliers of high-quality street furniture, Street Furniture Direct is aware of these evolving needs and we work closely with sub-contractors to meet them.