Finding The Right Bollards For You.
We have put together a brief overview of the locations and scenarios that require consideration for access control to assist with the planning or outdoor spaces.
With a combination of high footfall and congested traffic, schools and universities can be high risk areas for the potential of an accident occurring.
Installing bollards can offer added security and protection as well as dictating which areas vehicles are allowed to access. They can also prevent unwanted parking and loitering which can block the visibility of pedestrian crossings.
Office buildings can become potential risk areas during rush hour where there is a high number of staff entering and exiting at the same time. Separating these spaces from vehicles and traffic securely with bollards opens up the areas for office workers to move confidently without risk. Including a range of high quality stainless steel bollards combines security whilst complementing the architecture.
Public parks have grown in popularity in recent years with more and more people getting outside to socialise - these spaces can also invite heavy footfall with events and carnivals. At any of these times members of the public attending should feel safe and not have to worry about any accidental or intentional collisions. Installing bollards around the perimeters of public parks allows for pedestrian access whilst restricting vehicle access.
As Cycling has become an increasingly popular mode of transportation, cyclists need protection from vehicles on the road. Within heavily congested areas such as city centres, road markings and cycle lanes can often be ignored or overlooked by vehicles, pedestrians and even cyclists which can lead to severe accidents and collisions. Adding flexible and brightly coloured bollards provides additional visibility to these lanes and greatly reduces the chances of misuse. The flexible aspect to the bollards can reduce the potential of injury from accidental impact by a cyclist.
Large retail parks offer a huge variety of shops with the aim to attract and accommodate large swarms of shoppers especially during seasonal periods of the year. Bollards are integral in providing safe routes between retail units for shoppers to move through.
Anti Ram Bollards provide protection to store fronts and other entrance points that can be vulnerable to ram raiding activity and theft.
Some Homeowners can experience issues with unwanted parking outside or on their property; others require additional protection for their vehicles at night. Fold Down and telescopic bollards can offer protection for vehicles and also reserve parking spaces whilst still allowing vehicle access when required.
Industrial environments can house expensive equipment and dangerous chemicals therefore eliminating any chance of accident is paramount to avoid catastrophic damage. Bollards that feature an extra level of durability and visibility installed near vulnerable areas can ensure warehouses and other industrial facilities, continue their day-to-day operations smoothly.
Whether drivers are searching for spots or leaving, car parks can be heavy with traffic and often become hectic environments for drivers and pedestrians. To keep parking lots running smoothly, many parking site managers can install bollards to outline specific spots or restricted driving areas.
Electric Charging Points are becoming an increasingly more common addition to car parks with the rise in Electric vehicles owners; These powerful charging units require bollards to secure them in case of accidental collisions.
As well as providing security and protection to infrastructure and pedestrians, bollards can play a role in wayfinding with the addition of decal graphics, embossing and Lighting.
Adding Illuminated bollards to the perimeter of paths creates safe and visible paths for pedestrians throughout the year.
Due to high footfall and busy traffic, urban areas like towns and city centres can become a target for terrorist attacks using a vehicle as a weapon. Correct planning and diligence with the introduction of Hostile Vehicle Mitigating (HVM) measures can help avoid any potential of such an event. Bollards situated appropriately in high risk areas will offer security to pedestrians.
Need Bollards or barriers for your upcoming project?
Explore our straightforward, easy-to-use e-commerce site or contact a member of our team today on 01625 879 442 or enquiries@streetfurnituredirect.co.uk
Street Furniture Direct is part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group, a privately owned collection of individual companies serving the construction sector, providing a wide range of street furniture, playground elements and associated services to the public realm, commercial and educational schemes throughout the UK. Find out more by visiting the BSFG Website.